Aufheben Issue #14. Contents listed below: Author Aufheben Copied to clipboard Attachments aufheben_14_0.pdf (8.29 MB) Welcome to the 'Chinese century'? Keep on smiling - questions on immaterial labour Intakes - Inside and outside the G8 protests Review: Cyber-Marx - Aufheben Book traversal links for Aufheben #14 (2006) Théorie Communiste responds Up Welcome to the 'Chinese century'? Printer-friendly version PDF Comments
Death of a paper tiger: reflections on Class War Class War's attempt to break out of the anarchist ghetto, which had been dominated by eccentrics and liberal pacifists, has had a profound impact…
Editorial: The ‘new’ workfare schemes in historical and class context The editorial from Aufheben #21, which is available in print now, discussing the current workfare…
Going underground Review article: Workmates – direct action workplace organising on the London underground.
A commune in Chiapas? Mexico and the Zapatista rebellion, 1994-2000 Since the occupation of January 1994, many have projected their hopes onto this 'exotic' struggle…